Friday, April 27, 2012


Blogging is something that has intrigued me in the past, and I even tried it out once, with less than optimal results.  (Try, lack of posting and trying too hard to be "inspirational".)  I've been following Cari Donaldson ( and Dwija Borobia ( for a little while now, having discovered them on Catholic Exchange.  I know I will never be as funny or poignant as either of them, but I see in them, and other Catholic Mommy Bloggers that combination of "road to holiness" and "real person" that I want to be.  Seeing Jennifer Fulwiler of on Life on the Rock was kind of the clincher for me.  I yearn for that "water-well" community she spoke about, of women and mothers supporting each other through daily life that no longer seems to exist in the real world.  And as much as I want life to exist in person, this wouldn't be the first time the internet has brought something real and life-changing into my world.  But more on that later...

Who I am:  raised in the northern countryside, educated in southwestern cities, one-time opera-diva and concert-pianist wannabe, small-town, cradle-Catholic mother of two.

But I hope this blog will be more about who I'd like to become...
Who I'd like to be:  a joy-filled, homeschooling mother of x number of children, imperfect but accepting of myself and moving forward, to reflect, more and more, the brightness of the Lord.

So, if you're reading, welcome!  I offer you many "quotation marks", (too many parenthetical comments,) and maybe not a whole lot of profundity, but, to the best of my ability, the "real" me.

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